Creating uplifting connections between generations

Our intergenerational community serves seniors and their families in ways that best meet their needs.

Serving seniors is our privilege. Whatever your need—a simple ride, a hand around the house, a homemade meal, a prayer—meeting it is our pleasure. We offer home visits, transportation, meals, lawn care, resource referrals, fun & community, and more.

Meet the team

donna riemer

HOPEseniors coordinator

Interested in this service?

great! support is just a click away.

Do you or someone you know need senior support?

Don’t be shy! When you fill out our welcome form, using the link below, be sure to let us know how we can make your life easier. Someone from the Hope Center team will be in touch soon. If you have a question or want to learn more, feel free to email us directly at


Shirley was referred to HOPEseniors by her township office early during the Covid pandemic.

A short time after we met, her home was condemned following an electrical fire. As we helped move Shirley into supportive care, we were able to declutter and downsize her belongings, help sell her home, upgrade her health insurance coverage, and connect her with counseling resources for emotional support.

As our relationship developed, I promised I would always be there for her. Two years later, Shirley is beginning to thrive. She often says, ‘The cloud is lifting! I could never have done this without you.’”

—Rayma Dinnen, HOPEsenior volunteer


we need you!