The Mission of Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Northern Illinois, Inc. is to strengthen and empower communities through counseling, educating, and serving individuals in matters of housing and personal finance. CCCS serves all clients regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, family status or physical or mental disability.
We have counseling locations in McHenry, Kane, and Lake Counties.
Angel Tree Christmas Gift Program, Coats, holiday meals, emergency assistance, Poverty diversion program, Food and paper pantry, after school programs, character building programs, mentor programs, recreational sports, veteran services, addiction services, sex trafficing programs, disaster relief
Job assistance for Military Veterans, career services for youth made available for you through local schools, libraries, and community organizations. Seniors, specialized program for qualified job seekers who are age 55+ is available through the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), Ex-offenders The Repatriation Program is available at the Job Center through the College of Lake County. Prairie State Legal Services offers free legal services for qualifying civil cases for low-income individuals. Individuals with disabilities
The Job Center supports individuals with disabilities. Adaptive equipment available at the Job Center includes: adjustable height computer station, large screen monitor, JAWS software that acts as an audible screen reader, ZoomText software that enlarges items on computer monitor, and a closed circuit TV to magnify documents.