Riddick’s Ride, a non-profit organization, dedicates itself to aiding individuals with rare and complex medical needs. Among their invaluable services is a ‘Lending Garage’ stocked with a variety of medical equipment tailored for special needs. The assortment of items in the garage is subject to regular updates, encompassing essentials such as pediatric standers, sit-to-stand standers, high-low chairs, therapy benches, Tumble Form wedges, Firefly Go To seats, floor positioning systems, Special Tomato floor sitters, bath chairs, bath/shower chair stands, gait trainers, posterior walkers, Upsees, Versa Form pillows, Convaid cruisers and rodeos, McClaren strollers, Zippie strollers, WeGo strollers, manual wheelchairs, push-style wheelchairs, elbow/knee immobilizers, wrist/hand splints, Hensinger collars, seizure helmets, therapy swings, and more.
Riddick’s Ride organizes monthly open garage events. To inquire about equipment availability, interested individuals can
secure a slot and provide responses to the questions on the
sign-up form. Volunteers diligently review all requests 1-2 days before the event and promptly communicate regarding the equipment’s availability.
The provided address corresponds to the location of the Lending Garage.