Support services for seniors, On the Illinois Department of Human Services website, seniors who are income and asset eligible can apply for SNAP (formerly food stamp) benefits along with medical and cost-sharing programs.
Provides health, recreational, social and nutritional programs for seniors that come to the drop in center. Program is run by Catholic Charities in cooperation with the Village of Grayslake.
Family Service of Lake County provides programs, services, and referrals that respond to identified needs of the rapidly growing senior and caregiver population. All programs and services are provided at no out-of-pocket cost to clients.
ElderCARE Lake County serves older adults in northern Lake County, Illinois, generally considered to be north of Route 60. Services can include – Friendly Visitor, Grocery Shopper, Transportation to Medical Appointments, Information or Referral for additional services, Home Safety Checks, Safety Item Installation Assistance. Visit website to apply. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones. We have been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center, and Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies and organizations across the Internet.
Individuals, families and friends interested in learning more about home and community-based services and supports for those ages 60 and over are encouraged to contact the Care Coordination Unit (CCU) listed above through the Community Care Program (CCP). Once a referral is made a Care Coordinator will make a home visit and assist the participant in determining eligibility for CCP and in developing a person-centered plan of care. CCP core services include homecare aides, adult day services, emergency home response services and automated medication dispensers. In addition to CCP services, the CCU can link older adults to community-based services offered by the local Area Agency on Aging.