Flipping the script on foster care
in proud partnership

Keeping children safe and families together
Reunification rate
children helped
hosting arrangements
*National figures, Safe Families for Children
Join The Movement
Put your passion to protect children and preserve families to work! There are so many ways to make a difference. Mentor a family in crisis. Equip parents with resources they need. Be a support system for host families. Or host a child in your home.
Connect with us to learn how you can help support a family.
Suzy wanted to make an impact in the lives of children despite a hectic schedule and living alone.

I’ve always had a passion for children and for adoption. I’ve wanted to adopt since I was like 12 years old. It always seemed like it’d be something I’d do when I got married. And then one night I was in 1 Corinthians 7, which was talking about marriage and singleness.
Paul said what a blessing it is to be single. He states “only let each person live life, according to which God has called them.” And I felt like at that moment, God was saying, this is where I’ve called you to now. I want to use you in vulnerable children’s lives now. You’re not in a perfect place in your life, but I don’t need perfection to be able to use you.
Being single, working full time doesn’t look like the perfect opportunity to take care of vulnerable children. But it was what God had called me to, and I knew that he would provide.
The first baby I cared for was a three-day-old baby boy named Armani. My Safe Families coordinator asked me, “Are you overwhelmed?” I’m like, “Well, yeah, I just got a newborn baby that I’m bringing home.” She replied, “Just let us know what we can do for you.” And by the time I got home that night I had formula and onesies, diapers, wipes, dinner, all brought to my house. I was able to care so well for this incredible newborn that was placed in my care.
These families have changed my life. They have shown me what true, unconditional, selfless love is.